Fact Find 2 of 3 Your expectations and perceptionsWhat can I help you with? Purpose Property estimated value Loan Amount Deposit Term Repayment Type Product Type Features Required Other Specifics What is really important to you and why? Repayment Type Product Type Features Required Regular Overpayments Other Specifics What future changes to your circumstances are you aware of? Income Expenditure Employment Family Travel Windfall/Lump Sum Key factsPersonal DetailsClient 1 Title MrMrsMissMsOther Forename Middle Name (S) Surname Preferred Name Previous Name / Maiden Name Date of Birth Gender MaleFemale Marital Status Smoker YesNo Nationality Visa details if applicable Present at Interview YesNo Client 2 Title MrMrsMissMsOther Forename Middle Name (S) Surname Preferred Name Previous Name / Maiden Name Date of Birth Gender MaleFemale Marital Status Smoker YesNo Nationality Visa details if applicable Present at Interview YesNo Do you have dependentsClient 1 YesNoDependent 1 Title MrMrsMissMsOther Forename Middle Name (S) Surname Relationship Related to Client 1Client 2Both Date of birth/age Dependent 2 Title MrMrsMissMsOther Forename Middle Name (S) Surname Relationship Related to Client 1Client 2Both Date of birth/age Client 2 YesNoDependent 1 Title MrMrsMissMsOther Forename Middle Name (S) Surname Relationship Related to Client 1Client 2Both Date of birth/age Dependent 2 Title MrMrsMissMsOther Forename Middle Name (S) Surname Relationship Related to Client 1Client 2Both Date of birth/age Current AddressClient 1 House number and street Town / City County Postcode How long have you lived at this address? (complete previous address if less than 3 years.) Residential status Client 2 House number and street Town / City County Postcode How long have you lived at this address? (complete previous address if less than 3 years.) Residential status Previous AddressClient 1 House number and street Town / City County Postcode Occupancy Type Date you moved into your previous address How long did you live at this address? Client 2 House number and street Town / City County Postcode Occupancy Type Date you moved into your previous address How long did you live at this address? Address of property to be mortgagedClient 1 House number and street Town / City County Postcode Client 2 House number and street Town / City County Postcode EmploymentsClient 1 National insurance number Tax office details County Employment status EmployedAgencySelf EmployedStudentRetiredHousepersonContractorUnemployed Full time or part time Full TimePart Time Occupation Main occupation YesNo On probation YesNo Probation end date Preferred retirement date Employer name Nature of business Employer address Start date Length of service Client 2 National insurance number Tax office details County Employment status EmployedAgencySelf EmployedStudentRetiredHousepersonContractorUnemployed Full time or part time Full TimePart Time Occupation Main occupation YesNo On probation YesNo Probation end date Preferred retirement date Employer name Nature of business Employer address Start date Length of service EmployedClient 1 Gross annual income from main employment Regular overtime Guaranteed bonus Regular bonus Commission Allowances Client 2 Gross annual income from main employment Regular overtime Guaranteed bonus Regular bonus Commission Allowances Deductions from pay slips - monthly deduction amountClient 1 Pension Childcare vouchers Student loan Union fees / charities Other Client 2 Pension Childcare vouchers Student loan Union fees / charities Other Other details Other / previous employmentClient 1 Full time or part time Full TimePart Time Occupation Main occupation YesNo On probation YesNo Probation end date Preferred retirement date Employer name Nature of business Employer address Start date Length of service Client 2 Full time or part time Full TimePart Time Occupation Main occupation YesNo On probation YesNo Probation end date Preferred retirement date Employer name Nature of business Employer address Start date Length of service Other incomeClient 1 State Benefits Pension income Maintenance Rental income Other relevant income Total Annual Gross Amount Client 2 State Benefits Pension income Maintenance Rental income Other relevant income Total Annual Gross Amount Self-employed or more than 15% shareholding in companyClient 1 Business Name What is the nature of your business/occupation Year Established Partner / Sole Trader / Ltd co What % of the shares in this business do you own? How long have you owned/part owned this business? Client 2 Business Name What is the nature of your business/occupation Year Established Partner / Sole Trader / Ltd co What % of the shares in this business do you own? How long have you owned/part owned this business? Controlling director/PAYEClient 1 Gross annual income / salary Dividends Client 1 Gross annual income / salary Dividends Self-employedClient 1 Share of net profit & period ending Share of net profit & period ending Share of net profit & latest period ending SA302 HMRC confirmed total income Client 2 Share of net profit & period ending Share of net profit & period ending Share of net profit & latest period ending SA302 HMRC confirmed total income Total NET monthly verified income from all sourcesClient 1 Is there anything else that should be taken into account in respect of your income (including specific self-employed details)? Client 2 Is there anything else that should be taken into account in respect of your income (including specific self-employed details)? Existing Financial CommitmentsMortgage 1 Who owns it? Client 1Client 2Other Is this the main mortgage for your current address? YesNo Is this a buy to let mortgage YesNo Mortgage lender Mortgage account number Product type Interest rate Product end date Outstanding balance Repayment basis RepaymentInterest onlyPart and part Start date Mortgage end date Outstanding mortgage term Current monthly payment Mortgage to be repaid? YesNo If yes, do penalties app to the mortgage YesNo Penalty amount Expiry date Mortgage 2 Who owns it? Client 1Client 2Other Is this the main mortgage for your current address? YesNo Is this a buy to let mortgage YesNo Mortgage lender Mortgage account number Product type Interest rate Product end date Outstanding balance Repayment basis RepaymentInterest onlyPart and part Start date Mortgage end date Outstanding mortgage term Current monthly payment Mortgage to be repaid? YesNo If yes, do penalties app to the mortgage YesNo Penalty amount Expiry date